Welcome to Nishinomiya Noh Theatre!


Japanese culture, Amazing Noh, Great Experience at Japanese Traditional Noh Theatre!

Don’t you know Japanese Traditional Performance “Noh” ?

Let's go to experience “Noh” together!

This is a very authentic experience and it is very unique and entertaining.

Choose what you like the Noh costumes and wear them.

You have a fantastic day and amazing. You are very fun today!

It is for you really enjoyed seeing the masks and holding them, because you feel like you are the part of culture of Japan.

You don’t often get to experience to this level like having such a professional experience you really got to feel that culture.

So for you it was very fun!

You are happy to come here and today is a greatest experience you’ve never been to a Noh theatre before.

It is really cool to put the clothes on and you are got really understand more about the Japanese culture learning about the art of Noh.

Really you think you know more about it and you are able to learn a lot of about it at Nishinomiya Noh Theatre.

Japanese Traditional Performance Noh!

Amazing Noh, Great Experience!

Welcome to Nishinomiya Noh Theatre!

Japan Traditional Arts & cultures Foundation


Nishinomiya Noh Theatre





【一般財団法人 日本伝統芸術文化財団】



一般財団法人 日本伝統芸術文化財団


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